We give priority to grants and projects that use our funds in catalytic ways or to leverage our funds to bring in other resources. All grant inquiries and requests are screened and researched for appropriateness.

Grants are made to nonprofit organizations qualified under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or to agencies using the funds for a charitable purpose. Grants are typically awarded to support projects and programs related to health and human services, education, the arts, the environment, community development, and on a selective basis, for general operations and capacity building.

In general, most grants are given for one year. Multi-year grants are given on occasion and might be paid out over 2-5 years. No more than one grant is made to the same organization within a 12-month period.

The grant proposal needs to identify and provide evidence of the criticality of the issue and measurable indicators of how the grant will address the problem. The Wyomissing Foundation should not be the only funding source for an organization or project.

Grants are only made to organizations working within Berks County, preferably headquartered in Berks County.

We do not fund:

• operating funds on a sustaining basis
• for-profit enterprises
• funds for individuals, scholarships, endowments
• religious activities, fraternal organizations
• sponsorships, purchase of tickets, tables, advertisements
• parties, conferences, fairs, or festivals
• animal rights programs
• activities that would jeopardize the Foundation’s charitable status


The Wyomissing foundation has quarterly board meetings. Three of the board meetings are dedicated for grant approvals: spring, summer, and fall.

The lead time for the grant process prior to the official board approval includes at least 60 days prior to the next board of directors meeting.

FALL 2024 September 9, 2024 September 30, 2024 November 9, 2024
SPRING 2025 February 26, 2025 March 26, 2025

April 26, 2025

SUMMER 2025 May 26, 2025 June 26, 2025

July 26, 2025

Step 1

To initiate the process, please submit a brief electronic Letter of Intent (LOI) through our grants management software: Temelio.

The LOI link will ask:

  • What’s the total amount of the grant being requested?
  • What critical community problem are you addressing?
  • How are you proposing to address it?

If an LOI request meets the Foundation’s criteria and is in line with the Foundation’s funding priorities, the grantee will be notified that the proposal has been moved ahead to the application phase.

If we have a question, need clarification, or if the LOI is being denied, the applicant will be notified.

Step 2

If a full application is requested, the applicant will receive an email with a login and link to the Temelio application portal. The specific application questions to be answered will vary depending on the type of grant requested, and additional supporting documents will need to be uploaded into the software. The full application should be completed by the requested due date.

Once we are confident that the application is complete, the proposal is presented for review and approval at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees. Proposals may be held over until a later Board meeting if deemed incomplete and/or not ready for final consideration by the Board at that time.

After official approval has been made by the board, the grantee will be contacted.

Upon receipt and execution of the grant agreement, funds are released to the organization.

Any questions, please call our main office at 610-376-7494.